Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Summer of 2008 -- so far .

This summer has been plain out weird.
It was my last chance to attend a highschool, and last summer being considered a highschool student. I take all of my classes in college, and decided to go to summer school at my old highschool. It sucked so bad. It reminded me how much I do not enjoy that setting. I was enrolled in two classes, and ended up only passing one class. The other I stopped going to after the drop deadline so I may have recieved a failing grade. That doesn't worry me because I have been praying about it. ALSO I have been taking a night class. I am soooo thankful because I am in English 1A[considered a difficult college course] and I have the BEST professor ever. I believe I have a B average. Enough of the school activities. Although I have been in school I have been roaming all throughout Southern California during my weekends. Some of the cities include um San Diego, La Mesa, Long Beach, Lakewood, San Pedro, Los Angeles, Antelope Valley, well basically those counties and surrounding cities on different weekends. I can admit some events taken place in these cities were quite exciting. I have met new people, and re-met old ones. But throughout it all I have had quite a few eye openers. I honestly appreciate my family more than ever. Thankfully I have had chances to spend a lot of time with them this summer[ANNUAL CAMPING TRIP NEXT WEEKEND..YAYYYY]. Alot of old 'friends' have wandered away from the actual friendships, and I can honestly say it was the ones I loved the most, I loved them wayyy too much. Now, I feel a breeze of relief in realizing I need to love myself second. I care, but not as much as I once did. blah blah blah I am loosing track and forgetting stuff. Boyyyy oh boy God has been working on me. I need some balancing out in my life before the Fall semester begins. I'll write more later got to get home.

God Bless.

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