Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 25th.

Merry Christmas, thank Jesus.

Sooo today was real cool. :)

I saw the Benjamin Buttons movie starring Brad Pitt. OMG I loved it. It provoked so many emotions. The provided comic relief was the bomb for every scene. This movie is its own and should NEVER be imitated. I cannot wait to make movies for this alone. I am in love with this movie and hope for everyone to go see it. I don't want to give any hints to the movie, its just amazing and has earned the standing ovation of 2008. during this upcomming recession we'll need ALOT more good new releases.

I assure you this film deserves much attention and many emmy nominations.

mark my words there are going to be some wins.

God Bless !!!!!

Happy Birthday Jesus.

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